Monday, July 2, 2007

A GF CheeseBurger in Paradise...

CheeseBurger In Paradise

I've eaten at this small chain restaurant a few times.It is another great success from the Outback family of restaurants, known for their very good food, reasonable prices and very good gluten free menus.The restaurant is a Jimmy Buffet Themed restaurant and is a lively and interesting albeit a bit hokey atmosphere--especially if you aren't a fan.Buffet music is usually playing and the place is decorated with the Buffet theme of course.The food is mostly cheeseburger and fries food; however, it is very good and does have some alternate selections that may be worth noting as well(I've never been able to resist the bun less burger and fries)and has the fringe benefit of allowing the gluten free diner the luxury of some pretty amazing gluten free fries!! There aren't many locations presently available, but if you are a fan of Buffet or know someone who is, or you are craving some restaurant fries, it is worth the visit.


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Solveris said...
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